Saturday, July 28, 2012



1. Remove a barrier or obstacle
He had to break _________ their opposition to his ideas.
2. To make someone feel very frightened or excited .
The way he looked at me sent__________ down my spine.
3. To try to discover what people think about something that you might do .
She was thinking of running for mayor, so she started putting out___________.
4. To go to bed.
I turned__________ early last night.
5. To do something in close combination with someone or something else .
The computer chips are designed to work hand in__________ with this new microprocessor.
6. If you say that someone you admire has feet of__________, you mean they have hidden faults .
Some of the greatest geniuses in history had feet of__________.
7. End or extinguish by forceful means.
"Stamp__________ poverty!"
8. Governments must be accountable___________ someone beside themselves.
a. with
b. to
c. for
d. in
9. A narrow-minded or unprogressive person; one who lacks initiative .
"We shouldn't drink alcohol. We're only 16, and we aren't allowed to drink until we're 21,"
Billy said to his girlfriend. She taunted, "Quit being such a ___________-in-the-mud and
have a drink," as she handed him the bottle.
10. To protect yourself from a criticism or difficulty by ignoring it or not dealing directly with it
So far he has managed to fend___________ attacks on his reputation.
:to defend yourself against an attack
His opponent jumped back and tried to fend ___________ the blows.
11. Pushover
a. cognizant
b. arduous
c. walkover
d. firm
12. Uncouth
a. uncivilized
b. apostate
c. refined
13. Credulous
a. skeptical
b. wary
c. complicated
d. overtrusting
14. Implement
a. leave
b. not finish
c. stop
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
15. Intransigent
a. intractable
b. indulgent
c. compromising
16. Hard-nosed
a. laid-back
b. pliant
c. adamant
17. Retrench. Except:
a. tighten one's belt
b. cut back
c. squander
d. pare down
18. Crass
a. polished
b. coarse
C. tactful
d. inoffensive
19. Apostate
a. turncoat
b. adherent
c. passive
d. devotee
20. Venial
a. permissible
b. forgivable
c. slight
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

SEND CHILLS DOWN/UP SOMEBODY'S SPINE:to make someone feel very frightened .
Just thinking about walking back through the dark streets sent chills down her spine.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of feelers (the two thin parts attached to an insect's head,
used to touch things)
4.TURN IN hand in glove with somebody/something
Usage notes: sometimes used in the form go hand in glove (to be closely related):
Researchers believe that mental well-being and physical strength go hand in glove.
8.accountable to a person” (not accountable with a person)
accountable for (something)
fully accountable for what they did"
9.The figurative phrase 'stick in the mud' derives from the imagery of someone whose feet
are stuck in wet clay and is unable to progress.
pl., stick-in-the-muds.

11.pushover: Someone who is easily taken advantage of
Any undertaking that is easy to do
Walkover-Any undertaking that is easy to do
Mayoral election may not be a walkover for Lim.
12.uncouth: Lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
13.credulous : Disposed to believe on little evidence
14.implement : v.carry out n. apparatus
15.intransigent: not willing to compromise; obstinately maintaining an attitude
16.hard-nosed: "stubborn," 1927, from hard + nose. Earlier of bullets or shells with hard tips,
and of dogs that had difficulty following a scent.
17.retrench : Tighten one's belt; use resources carefully
Make a reduction, as in one's workforce
18. crass:(of persons) so unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility
19.apostate: NOUN :A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
ADJ: Not faithful to religion or party or cause
A. turncoat
20. VENIAL: Easily excused or forgiven
"a venial error"

English jokes

1.What can you catch but not throw?
2.What kind of nut has a hole?
3.What car is spelled the same forwards and backwards?
4.In what month do women talk the least?
5.What nail should you never hit with a hammer?
6.What clothing is always sad?
7.How do we know the ocean is friendly?
8.Why is the letter R absolutely necessary to friendship?
9.Lucky Mouse fell of a 1000-step stair and was not hurt. Why?
10.Where can you always find money?
11.What kind of party do prisoners like?
12.It walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three legs in the evening.
What is it?
13.What English word has three consecutive double letters?
14.What is it that after you take away the whole, some still remains?
15.What question can you never honestly answer yes to?
16.Remove six letters from this sequence to reveal a familiar English word. BSAINXLEATNTEARS
17.If you drop me I'm sure to crack but give me a smile and I'll always smile back
18.What goes up but never comes down?
19.What kind of pet always stays on the floor?
20.I belong to you, but am used more by others. What am I?

4.FEBRUARY coz it's the shortest month
7.It waves
8.Without it, a friend will become a fiend.
9.He fell off the last step.
10.In the dictionary
11.going away party
15.Are you asleep? dead?
18.Your age
20.your name



Do you think technology can replace teachers in the future?
Can you compare the importance of family relationships to that of friendship?
What differences in teaching style have you experienced with different teachers?

Compare:  If I were to compare,...I would say, ...the most boring
Contrast:   but -much older
   -polite way to criticize someone.

as good as
THAN=In comparison with
Both places have their pros and cons.

1.If you had the option, where would you decide to live in korea?
2.How do you perceive yourself in ten years time?
3. If you could begin your life again, would you do everything differently?
4.What is the name of your favorite TV drama?
5.What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture.
6.What can be done to get better education in rural areas?
7.Discuss the factors affecting people to have more or less children in your country.
8.Give reasons why the divorce rate has or has not increased in your country.
9.How could we deal with the problems of Internet?
10.Are people travelling more now than in the past?
11.Who make better teachers —men or women?
12.How have family values changed over the years?


1. What is the character of the people like in your country?

2. Name a person whom you admire. Why?

3. Which is your favourite colour?

4. If you had a chance , would you have a son or a daughter?

5. Are you going to bring up your child any differently to the way your parents did?

6. If you could start your life again, would you do anything differently?

7. The man in the seat next to you is smoking, What do you say?

8. What is your opinion about recycling?

9. Someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. What do you say?

10. Describe a place you will never forget.
1.speak until they stop you, don't just answer the question and stop.
2. accuracy
3. don't give off topic answers
4. 3rd part-describe things, compare and contrast, provide an opinion

Candidates often forfiet accuracy for quantity in a bid to impress examiner in speaking test
The IELTS test is a test of English accuracy.

In each of the following pairs of sentences, one sentence is correct, and the other incorrect. Choose which you think is
correct in each pair and then look at the answers to see if you were correct:
a. I study about engineering.
b. I study engineering

a. The movie was very funny.
b. The movie was very fun.

a. I went many places on my holiday.
b. I went to everywhere on my holiday.

a. I am exciting too much.
b. I am very excited.

a. Many temples beautiful.
b. Many beautiful temples.

a. Nowadays.
b. Nowsaday.

a. The government should improve public transport.
b. Government should to improve public transports.

a. I go to shopping everyday.
b. I go shopping everyday

a. I like playing computers.
b. I like using computers.

a. I am not liking hot weather.
b. I don't like hot weather.

Answer Key 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. b

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Six days Seven nights

You're not breaking up with me, are you?
Because 69% of all relationships break up in restaurants.

I wanna increase the romance in our lives.

I'm gonna get us outta here!

You were ogling!

I'm still clinging to hope.

You deserve someone fresher.

It's wrong for two people to get married when  something is hanging over their heads. 

I'm sorry I was  distraught

 The Proposal

We love to snuggle.

Don't take this the wrong way.


10 years is a long time to hold a grudge.

Hey, what was it that I injected myself with?

Put your gun in your mouth, pull the trigger!

Three men and a baby

Sexually insatiable roommate
you've been a source of great distressNice talking to you.
It's very illuminating.
She likes to be sung to.
Mary should move in with us.

She can be so destructive.
I'm sorry for messing up your life.
The strength that can never be taken away.

Shaun of the dead

The anagram of meat is team.
Wait for this to blow over.
Bash them in the head!
Sorry dear, I was miles away!

What's the holdup?
It's a shithole.
She was annoyingly insistent.
We're getting sketchy reports that...

We will stick together.

That was excruciating.

I'm beyond dead, she's calling dad.

It's barely 9:30.