A B__________of chickens.
A S__________of trees.
A M__________of kangaroos
A B__________of clams.
A H__________of elephants.
Select the choice which best fits
as the collective noun for the subject within quotes (“”).
1. Collective
noun for “owls”.
School Volery Tribe Parliament
2. Collective noun for
Troop Coffle Posse Flange
3. Collective noun for “poems”.
Anthology Rosary Compendium Verse
4. Collective noun for “crows”.
Swarm Colony Rumpus Murder
5. Collective noun for “lizards”.
Sedge Ghost Lounge Band
6. Collective noun for “savages.”
String Horde Group Pack
7. Collective noun for “otters”.
Bevy Litter Cry Skein
8. Collective noun for “lions”.
Hound Pride Mob Bike
9. Collective noun for
Watch Swarm Tribe Raft
10. Collective noun for “herons”.
Cete Charm Sloth Siege