Friday, May 28, 2010

Tag Question



1. I am a good worker,______________?

2. I'm here, ______________?

3. I'm clever,_____________?

4. They have never been to Japan,____________?

5. Your English classroom is room B105,_____________?

6. The Olympic games will take place in Turin, _____________?

7. She must come to the party, ______________?

8. Mimi and Lily were sad yesterday,_____________ ?

9. Steven had to leave class early today,______________?

10. I'm registered in this class, _____________?

1. aren't I?

2. am I not?

3. aren't I?

4. have they

5. isn't it?

6. won't they

7. mustn't she

8. weren't they

9. didn't he

10. aren't I?

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