Phrasal Verbs with PUT
(separable) to communicate; convey effectively
During the meeting, management put across the message that our concerns were insignificant.
(separable) to discard; renounce
Let’s put away our worries, and live for the moment.
(separable) to consume
I watched Max put away several hamburgers in just a few minutes.
(separable) to confine; incarcerate; imprison
The government put Sherman away for a year for having the wrong information on his website.
(separable) to place something where it was previously
When you finish the milk, please don't put the empty container back in the fridge.
(separable) to kill a sick or injured animal (usually out of mercy)
The vet said it was necessary to put down the race horse because of its broken leg.
(separable) to insult or make disparaging remarks about someone
I feel sorry for Max. Everytime he and Mary get together with their friends Mary puts him down in front of everybody.
(separable) to postpone
Many students put off doing their homework until it is almost too late.
(separable) to dress oneself with; to wear; to don
Mary put her best dress on.
10. PUT ON
(separable) to produce; perform
The theater group put on a great show.
11. PUT ON
(separable) to fool; mislead for amusement
You’re putting me on!
(separable) to extinguish
The firefighters put the fire out.
(separable) to publish; issue
The government put out a news brief to misinform the public.
(separable) to exert, extend
The workers put out considerable effort to get the job done on time.
(separable) to expel
Please put the cat out.
(separable) to implement; bring to a successful conclusion
The committee was unable to put through any reforms on campaign financing.
(separable) to make a telephone connection for
Operator, put me through to the president!
18. PUT UP
(separable) to raise; erect; build
The construction workers put the buildings up in just a few days.
19. PUT UP
(separable) to accommodate; provide food a shelter to
The government put the refugees up in temporary housing.
(inseparable) to tolerate
Max has great difficulty putting up with noisy children.
Phrasal verb with TAKE
-1. The lecture was rather boring and I didn't TAKE IN much of what the lecturer said.
2. The jacket was far too big around the shoulders, so I had it TAKEN IN so that I could wear it.
-3. He TOOK UP squash as he felt he had to lose some weight.
4. Business is good so the company is taking on extra staff.
5. We invited Sarah to our party but all her time is taken up with looking after her new baby.
6. If you take 4 away from 12 you get 8.
-7. That piece of music really took me back (to my schooldays).
8. Her singing career had just begun to take off.
9. She took too much on and made herself ill.
10. Digging in the garden certainly takes it out of me these days.
-11. This desk takes up too much room.
12. She watched his lips carefully and took her cue from him.
13. The minister took up office in December.
14. Banks need to take on board the views of their customers.
-15. We lit the fire to take the chill off the room.
1.Absorb information-in
2.Make clothes smaller-in
3.Start a new hobby, pastime, etc.-up
4.hire or engage staff-on
5.To be taken up with something is to be very busy doing something.-up subtract a number (= remove it from another number)-away
7.If something takes you back, it makes you remember a period or an event-back suddenly start to be successful or popular-off accept a particular job or responsibility-on make someone very tired.-it out fill an amount of space or time-up take notice of someone's words or behaviour so that you know what you should do-cue start an official job-up understand or accept an idea or a piece of information-on make something slightly less cold-off
Thursday, June 24, 2010
READ OUT read aloud
READ OFF read a list aloud for someone to write down
READ IT OVER/THROUGH read sth quickly from the beginning to the end
especially to find mistakes
READ OUT read aloud
READ OFF read a list aloud for someone to write down
READ IT OVER/THROUGH read sth quickly from the beginning to the end
especially to find mistakes
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
1. ALACRITY : (n.) Eagerness
2. AVARICE: (n.) Extreme greed for material wealth.
3. CAJOLE: (v.) To urge
4. INEPT: (adj.) Not suitable or capable, unqualified
5. INTREPID: (adj.) Brave in the face of danger.
6. FLIMSY: (adj)Likely to bend or break under pressure; weak, shaky, flexible, or fragile.
7. COMPENSABLE: (adj) For which money is paid.
8. DIVERSE: (adj) Many and different
9. en passant: (adv) In passing
10. DELICATESSEN : (noun) ready-to-eat food products
1. ALACRITY : (n.) Eagerness
2. AVARICE: (n.) Extreme greed for material wealth.
3. CAJOLE: (v.) To urge
4. INEPT: (adj.) Not suitable or capable, unqualified
5. INTREPID: (adj.) Brave in the face of danger.
6. FLIMSY: (adj)Likely to bend or break under pressure; weak, shaky, flexible, or fragile.
7. COMPENSABLE: (adj) For which money is paid.
8. DIVERSE: (adj) Many and different
9. en passant: (adv) In passing
10. DELICATESSEN : (noun) ready-to-eat food products
Direct translation is ineffective?
Choosing a method of teaching or learning English as a Second Language
mainly depends on the goals of the student.
Many methods for teaching English as a Second Language have developed over the years.
While many have fallen by the wayside, others have become widely used in today’s classrooms.
Today, i'd like to focus on translation Method.
What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘translation'.?
Have you made any funny mistakes because of translation?
Are there words in your language that you think are almost impossible to translate?
Direct translation is widely regarded as an inefficient way of becoming fluent in any language.
For example, translating a sentence word-for-word from Hangul to English might not result in
a sentence with the same meaning.
Because so little attention is paid in class to listening and speaking,
Students with years of English lessons through this method are often unable to hold even
a basic conversation in English.
Because classes with this method are usually taught in a lecture style,
with the teacher mostly speaking the students' native language rather than English, class can be
dull and cause students to lose interest.
Being able to use the target language immediately means they feel a relationship with it, right from the start.
Therefore students learn to think and speak in their target language.
The teacher should remain the ‘nucleus’ of the class, by directly explaining and presenting new syntax to them.
Let me remind you, this is just my viewpoint.
mainly depends on the goals of the student.
Many methods for teaching English as a Second Language have developed over the years.
While many have fallen by the wayside, others have become widely used in today’s classrooms.
Today, i'd like to focus on translation Method.
What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘translation'.?
Have you made any funny mistakes because of translation?
Are there words in your language that you think are almost impossible to translate?
Direct translation is widely regarded as an inefficient way of becoming fluent in any language.
For example, translating a sentence word-for-word from Hangul to English might not result in
a sentence with the same meaning.
Because so little attention is paid in class to listening and speaking,
Students with years of English lessons through this method are often unable to hold even
a basic conversation in English.
Because classes with this method are usually taught in a lecture style,
with the teacher mostly speaking the students' native language rather than English, class can be
dull and cause students to lose interest.
Being able to use the target language immediately means they feel a relationship with it, right from the start.
Therefore students learn to think and speak in their target language.
The teacher should remain the ‘nucleus’ of the class, by directly explaining and presenting new syntax to them.
Let me remind you, this is just my viewpoint.
Episode 1
Jenny used up all the invites.-Blair
I wish I could have been there-Serena
I'm gonna put everything in the past.-Serena's ex
Dress down a little bit-Dan
Episode 2
You are not who I thought you were.-Serena
Jenny used up all the invites.-Blair
I wish I could have been there-Serena
I'm gonna put everything in the past.-Serena's ex
Dress down a little bit-Dan
Episode 2
You are not who I thought you were.-Serena
Pink dolphin

It has two flippers that look like big leaves
this animal has tiny eyes
his beak is long
Pink dolphin can turn its head 180 degrees, all the way around since it has unfused vertebrae
it got its amazing pink color from the kind of water it lives in, and the kind of food it eats
dolphin can help people with physical and emotional disorder
it emits ultrasonic waves
Penelope:Symbol of eternal love
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Business Idioms
1.Corner a market If a company dominates an area of business, and leaves no room for
competition, it is said to have cornered the market.
"By importing large quantities and selling at low prices, they have
cornered the market."
2.In the doldrums To say that a person, a business or the economy in general is in the
doldrums means that the situation is gloomy and that nothing new is
"Despite the recent measures, the economy remains in the doldrums."
3. Nothing ventured, nothing gained This expression means that you cannot expect to achieve anything if you risk nothing
"He's going to ask his boss for a promotion even though he has
little chance of obtaining satisfaction - nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
4.Drag one's feet If you say that a person is dragging their feet, you think they are
unnecessarily delaying a decision which is important to you.
5. Get the hang of something When you get the hang of an activity, you now know how to do it correctly.
American English Idioms
1. Idiom: Can I have your John Hancock?
2. Idiom: It's a chicken and egg thing.
3. Idiom: Let's take the bull by the horns.
4. Idiom: My boss will foot the bill.
5. Idiom: A pie in the sky.
6. Idiom: To be in one's element
7. Idiom: To drop the ball.
8. Idiom: In dribs and drabs.
9. Idiom: In the bag.
10.Idiom: Scrape by
Can I have your signature?
Each thing needs to be done first, before the other thing can be done.
Let's face the important issue.
My boss will pay the bill.
A promise of heaven
To be completely comfortable doing something.
To make a mistake.
A few at a time.Little by little.
Aready won or decided, a sure thing.
Have just enough to live, get by
1.Corner a market If a company dominates an area of business, and leaves no room for
competition, it is said to have cornered the market.
"By importing large quantities and selling at low prices, they have
cornered the market."
2.In the doldrums To say that a person, a business or the economy in general is in the
doldrums means that the situation is gloomy and that nothing new is
"Despite the recent measures, the economy remains in the doldrums."
3. Nothing ventured, nothing gained This expression means that you cannot expect to achieve anything if you risk nothing
"He's going to ask his boss for a promotion even though he has
little chance of obtaining satisfaction - nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
4.Drag one's feet If you say that a person is dragging their feet, you think they are
unnecessarily delaying a decision which is important to you.
5. Get the hang of something When you get the hang of an activity, you now know how to do it correctly.
American English Idioms
1. Idiom: Can I have your John Hancock?
2. Idiom: It's a chicken and egg thing.
3. Idiom: Let's take the bull by the horns.
4. Idiom: My boss will foot the bill.
5. Idiom: A pie in the sky.
6. Idiom: To be in one's element
7. Idiom: To drop the ball.
8. Idiom: In dribs and drabs.
9. Idiom: In the bag.
10.Idiom: Scrape by
Can I have your signature?
Each thing needs to be done first, before the other thing can be done.
Let's face the important issue.
My boss will pay the bill.
A promise of heaven
To be completely comfortable doing something.
To make a mistake.
A few at a time.Little by little.
Aready won or decided, a sure thing.
Have just enough to live, get by
Sunday, June 6, 2010
14. Education

1. What are some important factors in determining
which college to attend?
2. What was (or is) your favorite subject? Why
do you like it?
3. How do you travel to school?
4. What are the qualities of a good student?
5. What are the qualities of a good teacher?
6. What do you study? What's your major?
7. Are foreign languages part of the curriculum? If so, which languages?
8. Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?
9. What are some good ways to learn English?
10.Why do students cheat during tests and exams? How do they cheat?
13. Sex and Violence in the media

Sex and Violence in the media
1. What's the role of media in our society?
2. How and why does mass media influence
people? In particular, how and why does
television violence cause aggression?
3. What's your opinion on government
4. Do you think that television, movies, music
and other entertainment media are
desensitizing young people to violence and
5. Why is Media Sex and Violence an issue?
6. What are family-friendly TV shows in your
7. Do you believe that simply seeing another
person behave aggressively can increase
the aggressive behavior of young
8. Does violent media make violent kids?
9. How to protect your child from violence
and sex on television?
10. Do you think that violence online may be
particularly important to our understanding
of seriously violent behavior among
today's young people?
12. Interracial marriage

1. What is your stand on interracial marriage?
2. Why the numbers of interracial couples are
getting increased these days?
3. Have you ever thought about getting married
with foreigners?
4. Why do men prefer Asian women?
5. Have you ever dated outside your race?
6. Are there any major differences between
dating in America and dating in South
7. What is the big deal about "Interracial"
relationships? Why do so many people
put them in a special category?
8. Would you discourage a friend or a family
member if they were interested in interracial
9. Can interracial marriage work?
10. If your parents or relatives strongly oppose
to your marriage , how can you persuade
11. Good and Bad manners

1. Do you think not paying attention to your
teachers is a bad manner? Why do you
think so?
2. What good manners did you learn from
your parents?
3. What good manners should be taught to
4. What must be done to rude people?
5. What do you think are some good manners?
What do you think are some bad manners?
6. Is kissing in public good manners?
7. Do you honk your horn to people when you
8. Can manners affect your success in life?
9. What culture do you think is the most
polite? Explain.
10. What are some good table manners?

1. Who is the breadwinner in your family?
2. Are chores assigned to children in your
3. Are your parents strict?
4. Do you get along well with your family?
5. Do you look more like your mother or
your father?
6. What do your parents do in their free
7. What was the most important thing your
parents taught you?
8. Do your parents trust you?
9. Have you ever had a fight with any of your
family members?
10. What are your parents like?
9. The roles of men and women

The Roles of Men and Women
1. Would you vote for a female candidate
for President?
2. Do you think women should be
conscripted too?
3. Do you think women are still
discriminated against in the
4. What habits are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
5. What things can either men or women do that the other cannot do and why?
6. Should boys and girls be brought up differently?
7. Do you see yourself as a typical man/woman? Why or why not?
8. Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?
9. In you home, who does the cooking, cleaning and household chores?
10. When a woman and a man are together, who does most of the talking? What makes you think so?
8. Internet friendship

1. Why do some people think of internet friendship?
2. What is your personal opinion of internet
3. What are the most common ways to have internet
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual friends?
5. What tips should you keep in mind when communicating with people on the Internet?
6. Describe your best friend from when you were a child.
7. Are online friends "Real Friends"?
9. The benefits of forming friendships with those we meet online are obvious, so why is the idea still treated with such disdain?
10. How do you maintain a good friendship?
Is city life better than
country life?
1. What are some things that people can do in the
city but they can't do in the country?
2. Where do you think is the best place to live
when a person retires? Why do you think so?
3. What aspects of life in the city would you complain about?
4. What city do you live in? Can you describe the city?
5. Which world city do you think would be the best to live in?
8. If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?
9. How are city people and country people different?
10. What types of jobs are available to urban and rural people? Where do you think they are likely to be paid more? Why?

1. What are some things that people can do in the
city but they can't do in the country?
2. Where do you think is the best place to live
when a person retires? Why do you think so?
3. What aspects of life in the city would you complain about?
4. What city do you live in? Can you describe the city?
5. Which world city do you think would be the best to live in?
6. Do you prefer city or country life?
8. If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?
9. How are city people and country people different?
10. What types of jobs are available to urban and rural people? Where do you think they are likely to be paid more? Why?
Saturday, June 5, 2010

1. What would be the effect of domestic
violence on children?
2. What do you think women should do
with their abusive husbands/partners?
3. What should the government do in
order to stop domestic violence?
4. What would you do if you knew there was domestic violence in the house / apartment next to
5. Do you think that aggressors of domestic violence
grew up in an environment of domestic violence
and child abuse?
6. Which is worse, wife-beating or husband-beating?
7. What kind of people carry out domestic violence?
8. Have you seen movies or TV shows about domestic violence?
9. Why do you think victims of domestic violence stay in the relationship for so long?10. In some countries, domestic violence isn’t a crime. What do you think about this?

1. Do you think that there is sexual
discrimination in Korea? If so, how?
2. Do you agree that men are higher than
women? Why or why not?
3. Is it okay with you to be friends with
homosexual ? Why or why not?
4. Explain the Gender "discrimination" in specific work industries (e.g. modelling industry, military industry ).
5. Explain the Male chauvinism in Asian society.
6. What's your thoughts on same-sex marriage?
7. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your gender?
8. Explain the traditional concept between male and female in your society.
9. What is the difference between sex and gender?
10. Are the stereotypes and social expectations of men and women today
4. Smoker's rights

1. Take the side of the Non-smoker and help him defend his arguments.
2. Do you get angry about passive smoking – breathing in second-hand smoke?
3. Which is worse for your health, smoking every day or drinking every day?
4. Why don’t governments ban smoking if it causes so many health problems?
5. How would the world be different if smoking was suddenly banned?
6. Do you think smokers should pay high taxes for cigarettes?
7. What are the most common arguments that smokers offer against quitting?
8. What is third hand smoke?
9. Wouldn't a total ban induce smokers to quit smoking and the youth not to start?
10. Should a person's right to smoke a cigarette in public places like hospitals, restaurants, government offices, buses, subways, and other public places be denied?

1. Talk about the good points and the bad points of divorce.
2. Does divorce mean part of you is a failure?
3. What are the divorce laws like in your country?
4. What are the consequences of high divorce
rates for society?
5. What do you think it’s like to be trapped in an unhappy marriage because you can't afford to
live alone?
6. What are the main causes for people getting
7. What images spring to mind when you hear
the word 'divorce'?
8. Is being divorced a social stigma in your
9. Would you still be friends with someone
after you divorced them ( or they divorced
you) ?
10. Who should get the children in a divorce?
2. Half empty or half full?

1. How do you describe yourself, as an optimist or a
2. Do you think a cure for cancer is within reach?
Hepatitis? AIDS?
3. Are pessimists more realistic than optimists?
4. What are some simple ways to remain more
5. Do you believe your frame of mind affects
your longevity?
6. Do you get depressed easily? What do you do to
relieve yourself of depression or pessimism?

1. Have you ever done something for unity?
Was it hard for you to do it? If so, why?
If not, why not?
2. Do you think Korean people are united?
Give examples to prove your answer.
3. What is your idea of unity?
4. Why do you think unity is very difficult to achieve?
5. Do you think that your family is united?
6. What do you think may happen if the people of a country are not united?
7. Will there ever be a reunification of Korea?
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