Saturday, June 23, 2012

Identifying Sentence Error


1. The minimum fine for speeding in my neighborhood is at least 55 dollars. No error
   A. fine
   B. for
   C. my
   D. at least
   E. No error

2. I read yesterday that a candy bar has three times as much sugar than a bowl of cereal. No error

   A. that
   B. has
   C. times
   D. than
   E. No error

3. I think that line is reserved for customers with ten items or less. No error

   A. that
   B. for
   C. with
   D. less
   E. No error

4. The North American Grizzly Bear is stronger than any animal. No error

   A. The
   B. stronger
   C. than
   D. any
   E. No error

5. My three favorite summertime activities are bowling, going fishing, and to sail . No error

   A. three
   B. activities
   C. are
   D. to sail
   E. No error

6. Compared to the 1960s, there is currently much less decent music available. No error

   A. to
   B. currently
   C. less
   D. available
   E. No error

7. As the car's turned the corner, their tires screeched loud enough to wake up the entire
   neighborhood. No error

   A. car's
   B. their
   C. enough
   D. entire
   E. No error

8. My father said the July 4th picnic just didn't feel the same without my brother and I. No error

   A. said
   B. same
   C. without
   D. I
   E. No error

9. The lobster I had last night was better than anything I have ever eaten. No error

   A. lobster
   B. had
   C. night
   D. anything
   E. No error

10. Compared to France, Italian food is far superior. No error

   A. to
   B. france
   C. is
   D. far
   E. No error

11. The Atlantic Ocean is warmer than any ocean on planet Earth. No error

    A. The
    B. warmer
    C. than
    D. any
    E. No error

12. Although my opinion is severely impacted by the time I have spent overseas, I think that
    the European artists of the Renaissance period are much more technically competent than
    even the best American paintings. No error
    A. is
    B. that
    C. much
    D. paintings
    E. No error

13. My mother has a very hard time dividing up toys evenly between my brother and I. No error

    A. has
    B. dividing
    C. between
    D. I
    E. No error

14. After I take the shower, I usually eat dinner and watch television. No error

    A. the
    B. usually
    C. and
    D. watch
    E. No error

15. There are far to many onions in this salad. No error

    A. far
    B. to
    C. onions
    D. salad
    E. No error


1. D -The word "minimum" implies that the fine is at least 55 dollars.
      Therefore, the words "at least" are redundant.

2. D -The correct idiom in this sentence would be "…a candy bar has three times as much sugar
      as a bowl of cereal."

3. D -The word "less " should only be used when describing a non-countable quantity.
      The number of items is countable, therefore the word "fewer" should be used instead.

4. D -This sentence states that the bear is stronger than "any" animal. However, bears are animals,
      so this statement is indicating that bears are somehow stronger than themselves. This is a logical
      contradiction, therefore it is an error.

5. D- This sentence contains an error of parallelism.

6. E- The usage of the word "less" is correct here because "music" is a non-countable thing.

7. A- "Car's" is the possessive form of the noun, meaning "of the car". In this sentence, the author
       intends to simply use the plural form of the noun, which is "cars" with no apostraphe.

8. D- "I" is one of the objects of the preposition "without". Therefore, the object form of the pronoun
       should be used (me). "I" is therefore incorrect.

9. D- The phrase "anything I have ever eaten" contains literally everything the author has ever eaten,
      including the lobster he/she ate last night. So it is logically impossible for something that
      the author has eaten to be better than "anything" because that is included in that description.
      A better term would be "anything else I had ever eaten."

10. B- This sentence means to compare Italian food to French food, but accidentally compares
       Italian food to France.

11. D- The Atlantic Ocean is an ocean on planet Earth. Therefore, it is impossible for it to be
      "warmer than any ocean on Planet Earth", because it is included in that description.

12. D-As written, this sentence compares "European artists" to "American paintings". This constitutes
      a comparison error. Only like objects or ideas may be compared; paintings may be compared to paintings,
      and artists may be compared to artists, but artists may not be compared to paintings.

13. D- When a pronoun is the object of the preposition (between you and I) the object
       form of the pronoun must be used.

14. A- This sentence describes a general activity, not a specific one. Therefore, an indefinite article
       (a) should be used to describe "shower" instead of "the".

15. B- The use of the word "to" is incorrect here. "Too" is the appropriate word to use to describe
       an excess, which the author expresses in this case.

PART 2 Identifying Error TOEIC
1. The technology, developed in coal-rich Germany in the
   1920s, involves partly burning coal to turn it into
   a gas, then using a catalyst, usually a metal, make it
   a liquid.

   a. coal-rich
   b. involves partly
   C. turn it into
   d. make it

2. Advocacy for child war victims, children in hazardous work,
   abused children and those variously exploited or handicapped
   has attracted the attention and commitment of legislators
   and policy -makers through the world.

   a. in
   b. those
   c. has attracted
   d. through

3. Public opinion polls have consistently demonstrated the public
   willingness for 'tradeoff'  economic growth for environmental
   a. opinion polls
   b. consistently
   c. for
   d. environmental

4. Education should emphasize our interdependence with peoples,
   with other species and with the planet as a whole.

   a. should
   b. our
   c. with
   d. as a whole

5. The minimum wage bill provides for a gradual reduction
   of the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour over two

   a. bill
   b. reduction
   c. minimum
   d. over two years

6. Most of the large industries in the country are well organised
   structured and are sometimes backed up internationally reputable
   mother companies.
   a. Most of
   b in the
   c. are
   d. backed up

7.Greece's achievement in the 2004 Olympics raise anew the question of
  whether Athens should be the permanent home of the games.

  a. achievement in the
  b. raise anew
  c. whether
  d. should be

8. The problems of squaring a pan-European agenda with the national
   interests of 25 separate countries_________the process of integration
   a slow, complex and at times divisive one.

   a. causes
   b. often affect
   c. have made
   d. resulting in

9. For decades the food industry has been known serving up sugary or
   fat-laden products , promoted with ceaseless advertising.

   a. For decades
   b. has been known
   c. promoted with
   d. ceaseless

10._________are poor observers of their child's behaviour so deviant behaviour
   reaches unmanageable  proportions.

   a. Parents
   b. Parents that
   c. When parents
   d. If parents





1. When testing a research hypothesis which the researcher has good reason
    to believe is true,  it is customary to use a null hypothesis.No Error.


B.has believe

E.No Error

2. The enrollment in professional courses has dropped considerable due to
   overall slump in the economy and poor employment prospects for recent
    college graduates. No Error




E.No Error

3.As we watched the giant flames coming from the furnace, tiny particles
  of ash fell on  Ruby and I.No Error





E.No Error

4.The scientist on the climate change panel, who had earlier written scathing essays
  criticizing global warning deniers, has recently published a book compiling his
   earlier work. No Error





E.No Error

5.Bit by bit he is improving but he nonetheless has a long and difficult road
  ahead to have intelligent speech like he had before. No Error

A.Bit by bit



E.No Error

6.The 19 year-old golf progeny, known as Jim "Blush" Doherty, has just signed
   a sponsorship deal that is worth more than 10 million dollars. No Error





E.No Error

7.If I were a billionaire like Bill Gates, I would just surround myself with
   books and movies all day and not do any work.No Error




E.No Error

8.As per the bank regulations, either one of the account holders, my mother,
  my father or I can withdraw money from the account.No Error.





E.No Error

9.The three experimental drugs for epilepsy have different side effect profiles,
   and it wasn't at all clear which one was the best drug to start with. No Error.

A.have all

E.No Error

10.The essence of the experiment is that men appear to experience exactly
     the same issues in their married life than women but their expression is
     often and typically very different.No Error




E.No Error


1.THAT-The correct idiomatic use of hypothesis is followed by "that". The correct sentence
       can be: When testing a research hypothesis that the researcher has good reason to
       believe is true, it is customary to use a null hypothesis.

2.CONSIDERABLY-The correct answer is C. The word "considerable" is modifying the verb, "dropped".
               Therefore its correct usage should be in adverb form i.e. "considerably".

3.ME-Correct Answer: D
When there are multiple pronouns in play, you should try removing the other pronouns to find out
which one should be used. In this sentence removing the pronoun would leave the sentence as:
As we watched the giant flames coming from the furnace, tiny particles of ash fell on Ruby and I.
Clearly "I" is wrong. The correct sentence should read: As we watched the giant flames coming
from the furnace, tiny particles of ash fell on Ruby and me.

4.NO ERROR-The correct answer is E. In this sentence we need a subject pronoun for "The scientist on the
           climate change panel" and "who" is correct.

5.INTELLIGIBLE-The answer is D. Intelligent means smart. Whereas in this sentence, the intent of
 the author is to write about a person who is recovering from a speech defect and it will be a while
 before he is easily understood. The correct word should be Intelligible and not intelligent.

6.PRODIGY-The answer is A. Progeny means offspring. Whereas in this sentence, the intent of the author
          is to write about a young and gifted golf player. The correct word should be prodigy and not progeny.

7.NO ERROR-The sentence is in subjunctive form and correct as written, therefore answer choice E is correct.
           The verb "were" indicates a potential action and refers to what is not true at present

8.ANY-The clause "either one of "can only refer to two things whereas in this sentence it applies to three people.
      Therefore the correct choice of word is "any" and the sentence can be corrected as: As per the
      bank regulations, any one of the account holders, my mother, my father or I can withdraw money
      from the account.

9.NO ERROR-The word best is referring to one among three drugs. Therefore the word "best" is
           more suitable than "better".

10.AS-C is the answer. The original sentence uses an incorrect idiom because the word "same" sentence implies  similarity but the conjunction "than" indicates differences. The correct sentence structure should be:
      The essence of the experiment is that men appear to experience exactly the same issues in their
      married life as women but their expression is often and typically very different.


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