Sunday, June 24, 2012


Six days Seven nights

You're not breaking up with me, are you?
Because 69% of all relationships break up in restaurants.

I wanna increase the romance in our lives.

I'm gonna get us outta here!

You were ogling!

I'm still clinging to hope.

You deserve someone fresher.

It's wrong for two people to get married when  something is hanging over their heads. 

I'm sorry I was  distraught

 The Proposal

We love to snuggle.

Don't take this the wrong way.


10 years is a long time to hold a grudge.

Hey, what was it that I injected myself with?

Put your gun in your mouth, pull the trigger!

Three men and a baby

Sexually insatiable roommate
you've been a source of great distressNice talking to you.
It's very illuminating.
She likes to be sung to.
Mary should move in with us.

She can be so destructive.
I'm sorry for messing up your life.
The strength that can never be taken away.

Shaun of the dead

The anagram of meat is team.
Wait for this to blow over.
Bash them in the head!
Sorry dear, I was miles away!

What's the holdup?
It's a shithole.
She was annoyingly insistent.
We're getting sketchy reports that...

We will stick together.

That was excruciating.

I'm beyond dead, she's calling dad.

It's barely 9:30.

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