Saturday, July 28, 2012



Do you think technology can replace teachers in the future?
Can you compare the importance of family relationships to that of friendship?
What differences in teaching style have you experienced with different teachers?

Compare:  If I were to compare,...I would say, ...the most boring
Contrast:   but -much older
   -polite way to criticize someone.

as good as
THAN=In comparison with
Both places have their pros and cons.

1.If you had the option, where would you decide to live in korea?
2.How do you perceive yourself in ten years time?
3. If you could begin your life again, would you do everything differently?
4.What is the name of your favorite TV drama?
5.What are the forms of entertainment young people and adults prefer in your culture.
6.What can be done to get better education in rural areas?
7.Discuss the factors affecting people to have more or less children in your country.
8.Give reasons why the divorce rate has or has not increased in your country.
9.How could we deal with the problems of Internet?
10.Are people travelling more now than in the past?
11.Who make better teachers —men or women?
12.How have family values changed over the years?


1. What is the character of the people like in your country?

2. Name a person whom you admire. Why?

3. Which is your favourite colour?

4. If you had a chance , would you have a son or a daughter?

5. Are you going to bring up your child any differently to the way your parents did?

6. If you could start your life again, would you do anything differently?

7. The man in the seat next to you is smoking, What do you say?

8. What is your opinion about recycling?

9. Someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. What do you say?

10. Describe a place you will never forget.
1.speak until they stop you, don't just answer the question and stop.
2. accuracy
3. don't give off topic answers
4. 3rd part-describe things, compare and contrast, provide an opinion

Candidates often forfiet accuracy for quantity in a bid to impress examiner in speaking test
The IELTS test is a test of English accuracy.

In each of the following pairs of sentences, one sentence is correct, and the other incorrect. Choose which you think is
correct in each pair and then look at the answers to see if you were correct:
a. I study about engineering.
b. I study engineering

a. The movie was very funny.
b. The movie was very fun.

a. I went many places on my holiday.
b. I went to everywhere on my holiday.

a. I am exciting too much.
b. I am very excited.

a. Many temples beautiful.
b. Many beautiful temples.

a. Nowadays.
b. Nowsaday.

a. The government should improve public transport.
b. Government should to improve public transports.

a. I go to shopping everyday.
b. I go shopping everyday

a. I like playing computers.
b. I like using computers.

a. I am not liking hot weather.
b. I don't like hot weather.

Answer Key 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. b

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